• Surveys for special status species, habitat restoration and biotechnical erosion control.

    Surveys for special status species, habitat restoration and biotechnical erosion control.

  • Multi-parameter wetland delineations throughout the state including the Coastal Zone.

    Multi-parameter wetland delineations throughout the state including the Coastal Zone.

  • KMA provides a balance between rigorous scientific documentation, environmental regulatory requirements and project development goals and objectives.

    KMA provides a balance between rigorous scientific documentation, environmental regulatory requirements and project development goals and objectives.

  • Kevin Merk Associates, LLC has prepared, implemented and monitored habitat mitigation/restoration projects throughout California.

    Kevin Merk Associates, LLC has prepared, implemented and monitored habitat mitigation/restoration projects throughout California.

Environmental and Biological Consulting Services


Kevin Merk Associates (KMA) is a dedicated team of professionals providing a diverse range of complex natural resources and environmental planning services for public and private sector clients. KMA’s solution-oriented services help our clients navigate complex natural resource, permitting and regulatory compliance support issues.

Located on the Central Coast of California, KMA has a wealth of experience working throughout the state and specializes in the Coastal Zone from San Francisco to Los Angeles. We regularly work with regulatory agencies such as the California Coastal Commission, providing technical expertise for development projects both public and private. Kevin Merk Associates also provides California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation and planning compliance services.

Sand Plant


In-depth knowledge of California flora and protocols for floristic inventories and rare plant surveys.

Conducting rare and special status wildlife surveys throughout California for species such as the California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog, western spadefoot toad, legless lizard, horned lizard, burrowing owl, raptors, nesting birds and San Joaquin kit fox.

California Tiger Salamander

Multi-parameter wetland delineations following all current State and Federal methodologies.

Habitat Restoration & Mitigation Planning
Project Impact Assessment, Mitigation Program Development and Implementation and Ecosystem Recovery

Regulatory Compliance
Expert and up-to-date regulatory compliance for NEPA, Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Clean Water Act, California Coastal Act, California Fish and Game Code, Porter-Cologne Act and CEQA.


• Baseline Biological Resource Assessment

• Vegetation Classification and Mapping

• Focused Botanical and Wildlife Surveys

• Wetland Delineation - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), California Coastal Commission (CCC), California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)

• Environmental Permitting - Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, California Coastal Act and California Fish and Game Code

• Regulatory Agency Consultation - CDFW, CCC, RWQCB, CCC, USFWS, USACE and NOAA Fisheries Service

• CEQA/NEPA Compliance Documentation

• Habitat Conservation Planning and Federal Endangered Species Act Section 10 Compliance

• Construction Monitoring and Compliance Reporting

• Project Planning Assistance - Due Diligence Investigations

• Geographic Information Systems - Development and Analysis

California Red-Legged Frog