
Kevin Merk Associates areas of expertise include:

  • Biological Resources Investigations, including Rare, Threatened and Endangered Plant and Animal Surveys (i.e.:  California Red-Legged Frog, California Tiger Salamander, Legless Lizard, Pond Turtle, Nesting Birds, San Joaquin kit fox, American badger, and Monarch butterfly);
  • Vegetation Classification and Mapping;
  • Wetland Delineations (both U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and California Coastal Commission);
  • Regulatory Compliance Permitting (Clean Water Act Sections 404, 401, California Fish and Game Code 1602, Coastal Development Permits) and Habitat/Species-Specific Mitigation Planning;
  • Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultations and Section 10 Habitat Conservation Plans;
  • California Endangered Species Act Permitting and Natural Community Conservation Plans;
  • Open Space Resource Management and Mitigation Plan Development and Implementation;
  • Coastal Development and Grading Permit Acquisition Assistance; and
  • Construction and Mitigation Monitoring and Compliance Reporting.

Principal Biologist

Biologist Kevin Merk has over 30 years of environmental consulting experience directing, managing, and conducting natural resource and environmental studies throughout California. Kevin’s work experience includes thousands of hours performing general biological and species-specific surveys, wetland delineations, regulatory consultations, permit acquisition and regulatory compliance. Kevin is a well-versed regulatory specialist that provides a balance between rigorous scientific documentation, environmental regulatory requirements and project development goals.